
Everyday Brings Opportunities To Love – By GEORGE CALLEJA

Everyday, there are many opportunities where we can love. Everyday, brings some sort of opportunities to love our neighbour. During the day, are we recognizing what these opportunities are? Are we recognizing the times when we did not love our neighbour, when the opportunity was there? Most of the people cross a road many times during the day. Was there an opportunity to help an old person feel secured while crossing the road? Did we…

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It is only through love, that we can have a better environment – By GEORGE CALLEJA

All over the world, there are issues with the environment. Climate Change has become the main topic politicians talk about. Air quality and deforestation are other issues politicians talk about. Mankind is aware of all this and in general, the environment is not being taken care of. It is pointless that different laws in favor of the environment are made, but at the same time, other laws are not environmentally friendly. Mankind has heard many…

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Trust Jesus in your life – By GEORGE CALLEJA

Whom do you trust in your life? There could be different persons whom you trust in your life. Maybe they are your parents, your sister or brother, your wife or husband, a close friend of yours. You trust such persons and share with them about your life because you have a special relationship with them. I also have special persons in my life whom I trust a lot. I share with these persons about my…

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Are you still searching? – By GEORGE CALLEJA

What are you searching for in life? Are you still searching if God exists? Many people go through different experiences in life in search of God. There are people who really succeed in finding God and there are others who find a god… but not the True God. Saint Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109), wrote this prayer in search of God: ‘O Lord, my God, teach my heart this day where and how to see you,…

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Be a light in your community – By GEORGE CALLEJA

A community is a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society. Such communities are found all over the world and in every corner of each country. As Christians, we also are to belong to a specific community, in other words to a Christian Community. True Christian Communities are when believers worship and serve together in unity based on the teachings of God’s Word. These Christian Communities have a…

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The tenth commandment forbids greed – By GEORGE CALLEJA

I have recently been going through the Catechism of the Catholic Church online and came across the following paragraph, namely 2536, and felt that I should share it with you: The tenth commandment forbids greed and the desire to amass earthly goods without limit. It forbids avarice arising from a passion for riches and their attendant power. It also forbids the desire to commit injustice by harming our neighbor in his temporal goods: When the Law says,…

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Always help your neighbor – by GEORGE CALLEJA

In life, we are faced with different daily activities. These activities could include going to school or going to work, visiting a relative, going shopping, going for a walk, or watching TV. There are many more activities that one undertakes during a day.  There is an activity which is very different from others. An activity that is based on love. Maybe this activity is better to be called ‘an act of love’.  This activity is to help…

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Be encouraged and live the Word of God – by GEORGE CALLEJA

The reason for writing this short article is simply to encourage every Christian to fully live the Word of God. It is only through living the Word of God, that spiritual fulfilment is possible. Do not be afraid to say ‘yes’ to the Word of God, to follow Jesus, to have this personal relationship with God the Father and being in peace through the unity of the Holy Trinity. The Word of God is the…

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Do not fear to share the Good News – By GEORGE CALLEJA

Sharing the Good News is the call of every Christian. Sharing the love of God, the Salvation that was brought through His Son Jesus and sharing about the Resurrection, is to be shared to all mankind throughout the world. Christians are not to fear to share the Good News, for as it was promised, He will always be with us. It is the love of the Lord that will strengthen each Christian to share the…

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Pray For Wisdom – By George Calleja

Before sharing George’s insights today, I would like to ask everyone to keep our friend, George Calleja in your prayers. He is facing some health challenges and your prayers for his return to good health are greatly appreciated. As he has reminded us so many times, our prayers are heard and answered each and every day. And his return to good health will be a blessing to him and all those who hear his words…

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