
Be Yourself – A Guest Post By Amy Temple

Be yourself.  Be your original self.  Be the person who you want to be.

When you think about who you have become, are you happy? 

Or are you regretting?

No one else can make you happy but you!  Do what you want to do!  Live how you want to live.  Live where you want to live.

There is always going to be someone who thinks they know better than you on how to live your life.  

My question to them is how can you unless you have the magic power to step into somebody else’s shoes?

I got a news flash… you CAN’T.  No one can!

The only one who truly knows who you are is God and He is not about to judge you.  He loves you.

So do the same for yourself. 

See The Good would like to thank Amy for her guest post. Amy is a Florida resident and has been self-employed in the dog care field since 2006.  She self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.com/I Am Not Stupid.

She can be contacted at artemple95@gmail.com or through her LinkedIn profile page: linkedin.com/in/amy-temple-34254a167.

Amy-thank you for your contribution to See The Good and for broadening the reach and depth of the site with your work.

2 thoughts on “Be Yourself – A Guest Post By Amy Temple”

  1. Great post, Amy! Thank you so much! Great image, Kathy! Thank you so much, too!!!! Always an “upper” to take in the verbal and visual messages in “See the Good” every morning! Better than a vitamin pill! More like a breath mint for the mind!

  2. Being yourself, is the only way you will achieve any form of success, and keep it. We can pretend for a while, but life lessons will be more effective, and valuable when you are the real you. Pain doesn’t care if you are pretending, it’s coming, but being yourself, you will know the caus,e and is better able to handle forms of pain management.

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