
A Natural Model

A very special friend mentioned to me that she was once told to pattern her life after a tree. And this comment struck a chord in me, to say the least. I love the outdoors and spent over two decades in the landscape industry in one capacity or another, so this piece of advice really got me to thinking about trees and their structure and function in our world.

The root system of a deciduous tree is often almost a mirror image of the canopy. I know that many homeowners think of tree roots and only imagine the damage that they can inflict on things like a house foundation, a paved surface or even water and sewer lines, but the good that they provide far outweighs these negatives. And it is this massive root system that holds the tree steady and secure for its lifetime. As humans, we don’t have a physical root system but our beliefs and our faith are much like the roots of a tree. The keep us stable and secure throughout our lifetime. In addition, both root systems are not often seen by the casual passerby, but they are known to exist even without visual examination.

Human beings also grow, branch out and find new beginnings just as a tree does each spring. We have our dormant periods and then we spring forth with new growth that reinvigorates us much like the new leaves of springtime. And when we are at our fullest points, we too provide shelter and shade to those around us. Just as the tiny birds nest in a large tree for shelter and protection, our loved ones and those around us turn to us for support, understanding, and refuge when they are facing challenges.

And finally, there is the legacy that we leave behind. We all hope that we leave this world just a little bit better than it was when we arrived. It could be that our children are helping to change the world much like the seeds that fall from a tree to provide the next generation of the forest. Or it could be the people whom we touch in our lives who continue our efforts to bring about good in the world.

This too is mimicked by the trees when they are no longer living but are still contributing to our world. Some trees are turned into lumber that will provide a home for a family while others become the wooden handles of the tools that will plant food, create art or become the paper that holds the words that need to be passed on to future generations. But both the trees and we humans have a legacy that will continue on long after we are gone.

So even though I never thought about my life in this manner, the sage advice my friend passed along offered a great deal of clarity and wisdom for me. It is now a mental image that I will be reminded of each time I look at a tree and one that I will always work to apply to my life.

Thank you Pam!

6 thoughts on “A Natural Model”

  1. Oh, Kathy, your post here warms my heart and lifts my soul!!!!! The Light in me sees and is inspired by the Light in you. I can’t express in words how reenergized I feel after reading this! To be continued . . .

    1. Pam- It is truly a group effort! Together we inspire and nurture the thoughts of others to create unlimited potential. I picture it as the bees cross-pollinating all of us trees!

  2. Wonderful, we are like a tree in more ways than we know. Just as they all need sunlight and water, and some need more than that, so do we, depending on if we live a simple life. We cut down their branches, and they grow back. Life knock us down, we bounce back. Like humans, they contribute something to our planet.

    1. So very true Annelise! Those who have suffered through difficult times tend to develop a crusty outer shell much like tree bark. But once you get past that protective layer, they too are soft and sappy inside. Every living thing benefits from love and nurturing and then is able to return the favor to others. We really are all connected.

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