There is a very fine line between positivity and insanity, that can be almost indistinguishable to most of us. I believe that if you are reading See The Good, then you are a believer in projecting a positive outlook in order to always find that redeeming shred of good in even the worst moments, events and also people. But when does that worthy effort become little more than a pipe dream? And how many times should you set yourself up to be disappointed by the same event or person?
Has it not been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result? And though we might not be able to change the outcome of an event or the actions of another person, we are fully capable of changing or adapting our own expectations to manage our own reaction, remorse, sadness or pain that is caused.
We are each in control of our own journey and who we allow to join us on that journey. And we are also in control of how we allow those people to impact our mind, spirit and even our body while sharing a portion of our journey. I can only be angered or disappointed if I allow it to happen. This is a decision that is as old as civilization. In 1786, George Horne created the English version of the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” But the origin of the saying dates back to an ancient Italian proverb saying, “When a man deceives me once it is his fault; when twice, it is mine.”
Life is not always perfect, or in some cases, even remotely close. But even those difficult lessons are important. Always hold onto hope for the best, but temper that wide-eyed dream with a healthy dose of reality. Managing your own expectations will pave a path to far less disappointment, anger and pain throughout your journey.
Even when you’re off on vacation you post something I truly, so need and appreciate today!!!! I am amazed and grateful for you, Kathy, and hope you and Tony are having the time of your lives in paradise!!! Thank you so much for your commitment to See the Good and for sharing your wisdom and compassion and enormous talents and gifts with us, your faithful readers.
I agee. How we react to whatever life throws at us, make us, or break us. But on most level, involuntary actions seems to be in charge. Can we express a certain level of control when it comes to involuntary action? Or it depeneds on how we think? Our thinking plays a vital role in how we react to instances in our lives. All of us have a level of insanity buried deep withn, but it’s more pronounced in some of us. I always hope for the best, but I prepare myself to accept the worst, because in the end, life always wins.