
Life… Blending Math and Poetry to Find Balance

I am not a numbers person in most aspects of my life. Words have always worked better for me in that they are more flexible. There is right and wrong in math, a sort of black and white world, but words seem to offer a vast greyness that I find comforting. But while reading a while back, I stumbled onto FIB Poems. These are a blend of words and numbers as the structure is based on the Fibonacci sequence. I find it interesting that every two consecutive numbers add up to the next number in the sequence. That is simple math that I can embrace. The concept of the Golden Spiral and logarithmic spirals are where is quickly become lost. But I am willing to share my first attempt at a blend of math and poetry…Life, that perfect spiral that keeps moving and growing as we strive to find the balance that makes it all work.




Move forward.

Learn to love again.

Train your mind to follow your heart.

Only then will you find the true love needed to sustain life.

Embracing love will open your heart to achieving happiness, prosperity and balance.

8 thoughts on “Life… Blending Math and Poetry to Find Balance”

  1. Kathy, I am in awe of this post because I’ve never heard of FIB poems or the Fibonacci sequence! Yes, me, a writer, a sometime poet, not someone gifted with math skills, is learning something quite new from you! So, it seems it IS true you CAN teach an Old Dog new tricks, for you continue to teach me! I will delve deeper into this Fibonacci sequence thing, and in the meantime, I love your poem here that captures the essence for me of this amazing Holy Week. It IS all about love, isn’t it? I’m sure you are loving your week away as a time of love in all its many aspects of this amazing gift of life for sure.

    1. Pam- I only recently discovered these poems but it triggered a memory from many, many moons ago in school. There are certain proportions, repetitive rhythms, and shapes that attract my eye. They all seem to relate back to a mathematical formula, and while I might not understand the numbers part, the outcome is somehow pleasing. I guess that this is a reminder for me that there can be beauty anywhere, even in those things that we do not fully comprehend. I am the furthest thing from a numbers person but I do understand how they can be a passion for others. These poems are a great way for the numbers people and the words people to meet in the middle for a bit.

  2. I love poetry and the power of the written word. I, like you, are bent toward this endeavor. My wife was an accountant, then CPA and finally a CFO who thrives on the black and white of mathematics. Your poem is great! Keep writing and making people smile!

    1. Thank you so much, Larry! My husband is a numbers person and an engineer so he is also the black and white type person while I am the one who revels in the shades of grey and interpretation of words more than numbers. But I must say, there are times when I envy those who can see something, make a fast evaluation and then move on. I just tend to be more a ponderer. But that is what works for me and for many I believe. It truly takes all kinds and as long as we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to divide us, we will all flourish!

    1. Thank you, Mary. Poetry is something that appeals to me in a different way than other writing. It is almost a closer relative to music which is not something that I am good at but something that I greatly appreciate and enjoy. As time permits, I hope to invest a little more time in poetry and see where it takes me.

  3. Interesting. Like Pamela, I have never heard of this before. Although I never had any difficulty with any type of math in school, it is not something I enjoy working with. Enjoyed your poem and the truth it holds.

  4. I am not a poetry person, but this is great. I learn to read math, but this is different.

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