We all have gotten rejected at a certain point or another in life, by people (friends, families…) or life events (interviewing for a job, bidding for projects…), losing ourselves when being rejected is dangerous to our very existence.
Rejection, in any way, shouldn’t make you see yourself as a fault, never make you feel like you’re lesser. Rejection doesn’t mean you’re an outcast. Rejection doesn’t mean you’re not good enough, It just means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.
“Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli.
Rejection as negative as it may seem might somewhat be a blessing in disguise. Losing out on a job can be a hard nut to take, but later we might be opportune to take a chance at another and get appointed with a more better offer than the former job we’ve interviewed for. Don’t be depressed when rejected, it might be the way to a more favorable path.
“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.” – Bo Bennet.
Living for people to accept you as you’re might be somewhat a tedious and yet self-degrading task. But in each way rejection comes to us, we should love ourselves to a state where we’re liberated from the dampening effects buying into the rejection could have on our own very existence.
“If you live for people’s acceptance, you will die from there rejection.” – Lecrae.
Rejection might also seem an eye-opener, where being entangled with someone for a long time, then you being rejected by them gets you to discover your true self and to factually know that they were never meant for you or they’ve been the one setting you back all those time while you’re together.
“Sometimes, rejection is not rejection, It’s a release. ” – Kim Pothier
Rejection doesn’t mean the end to one’s life, doesn’t mean you yourself are a fault, find who you truly are when being rejected and become a better version of yourself.
Thank you for this contribution Gbadebo! It can be a difficult lesson but we all must master it.
Readers can contact Gbadebo via email at gbadebo.adebayo@yahoo.com
or by visiting his LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/gbadebo-a-853297173
Rejection could be God’s or life’s way of saying redo, resend, restrengthened, rearrange, recall, reset, and if you don’t give up, there will be reward!
Good addition, ANNELISE. God bless you.
We have to keep moving until we win or reach our goals. Rejection is apart of the process. I was rejected 16 times before I obtained a commercial contract to publish “James Meredith” a biography. Now I operate a small press and offer contracts to authors seeking to publish.
” Trust the process.” Thanks, MEREDITH
Very well said, Gbadebo! Another great post!
Thank you, Amy.
I like this quote: “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli. Rejection, in whatever form it takes or who it is from, is never easy, never pleasant, but, as you have stated, a turning point to something better and possibly the saving of a part of our lives that may have been headed in the wrong direction. In Genesis, Joseph tells his brothers, who betrayed him and sold him into slavery, that what they had meant for evil, God turned it around, meant it for good so that an entire family, and eventually a whole nation, could be saved. In the beginning it looked like the end, but in the end it was a new beginning.
Well said! Diane. God bless you!