
Surviving The Weight Of The World

It’s amazing how a much a worry can weigh on your shoulders. Not being able to reach a person you care about is like a lump of burning coal in your shoe. It just keeps on burning and gnawing at your thoughts and your heart. You try to remain positive, but sooner or later your thoughts just start to slide down into a dark place. Worry turns to angst and then fear. And finally, you resign yourself to thinking of all of the awful outcomes.

But that is when it is most important to have faith, find the light to follow, and if you can’t find any then be the light yourself. Positive thoughts, hope, prayer or whatever you believe in is what will get you through that dark time. And then when you do get that message or hear that voice that reaches right to your heart you will feel the weight of the world simple evaporate from your shoulders.

It is a feeling of invigoration and satisfaction that is hard to explain. Enjoy it, revel in it but do not forget to be thankful for it. I spent the last week thinking that I had lost one of the best friends I ever had, only to discover that she had fallen and was in a nursing facility and couldn’t return my calls or emails. I have loved her and cherished her friendship for years, but today I am even more thankful to have her still in my life. She is a true gift from the universe, today and every day that she is a part of my world.

4 thoughts on “Surviving The Weight Of The World”

  1. You cannot imagine, Kathy, how how much your post today helps me see my own inclination to slide into fear rather than trust that all is well. Once again, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, especially today. Bless you!!!!

    1. Pam- I tend to look at faith as a skill. And much like anything else, we need to keep practicing it or it will deteriorate. Having faith in a higher being, in ourselves and in an overall outcome can be challenging to say the least. But when you start to wonder and worry, always know that friends and loved ones are nearby to remind you and even lend a hand. Fear can be a heavy weight to bear. It can feel as if it is dragging you down into the darkness, to a place of isolation. But just reach out a hand and know that a friend is always there to share the weight and shine the light to get you back on the path of strength, happiness, and faith…in yourself and in all that is good and meaningful in your life! I am always here and I know that I am not alone in that promise my friend…

  2. And boy is our world ram packed with PROBLEMS. But in the midst of all that chaos, there is always sunshine. Sometimes a big one, other times a little one, but it’s there. No matter what we do in life, we will always feel pain, but our choices and decisions determines our level of pain.

  3. It is amazing how quickly our minds travel to the worst rather than the best scenario. It does take work to reverse that, and the more you work at it the easier it becomes. And it takes so much less energy to expect the best rather than the worst as well. Stress levels don’t become overwhelming and we can continue to accomplish what we need to do in prayer for the situation or anything we need physically to do in the situation. When we include the Lord in the equation, we have hope and can trust to the best possible solution even if it is not quite what we had hoped for. We know that God only gives us the best.

    I like your comment “It is a feeling of invigoration and satisfaction that is hard to explain. Enjoy it, revel in it but do not forget to be thankful for it.” I am so glad you discovered why your friend had not responded to you. God bless as you continue to share your godly insights with us.

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