Today’s society puts a big challenge on our faith. We might feel that our faith is threatened.
This is the challenge we are to face on a daily basis. If built on a solid rock our relationship with Jesus will not break by any threat. Our faith depends on our relationship with Jesus.
We are to be responsible to increase our relationship with Jesus so to strengthen our faith. We are to find the ways and means to nurture our faith. Deep in our heart, we know what we should do to nurture our faith, we know whom to seek, and where to go. Jesus has told us what to do. The question is, are we doing it? Are we letting society influencing our faith? Or, we are letting our faith influencing society?
Nurturing our faith is each person’s responsibility and is possible when one seeks Jesus in a personal way. The love and peace that you receive from Jesus is a gift for you to give to others. Giving Jesus to others is giving Jesus to society, is changing society.
You are part of society, and have the responsibility to change society by giving Jesus!
(you can listen to this podcast at https://soundcloud.com/george-calleja-1/giving-jesus-to-society )
I am George Calleja from Malta; I am married and have two children. In 2009 I obtained my MBA through the University of Leicester.
During the years 1990 to 1996 I was a full time missionary with ‘The International Catholic Programme for Evangelization – ICPE’ and have evangelized in various countries, such as Russia, Ghana, Poland, Germany, and Malta amongst others. Since 1997, I am an active member of the Focolare Movement in Malta.
In November 2014 I published my first Christian Book ‘Peace and Unity in our lives – Volume One’, and have already published another 15 Books. While I hope that you find spiritual growth through reading my articles, I promise to keep you always in my prayers.
The following is the list of social networks where you can follow George and make contact with him:
Website ‘Peace and Unity in our lives’ https://sites.google.com/site/peaceinunity/
Website ‘George Calleja – Christian Author’ https://sites.google.com/site/georgecallejachristianauthor/
Blog ‘Peace and Unity in our lives’ http://peacethroughunity.blogspot.com/
WordPress ‘Peace and Unity in our lives’ http://peacethroughunity.wordpress.com/
Twitter ‘Peace and Unity in our lives’ https://twitter.com/PeaceUnityLives
FaceBook ‘George Calleja’ http://www.facebook.com/george.calleja.39
FaceBook ‘George Calleja – Christian Author’ https://www.facebook.com/georgecallejaebooks/timeline
Google+ ‘George Calleja’ https://plus.google.com/u/0/114381802793936205378/posts
Podcasts (‘George Calleja’ – Inspirational) https://soundcloud.com/george-calleja-1/sets/inspirational
Podcasts (‘George Calleja’ – Christian Books) https://soundcloud.com/george-calleja-1/sets/christian-books
YouTube Channel ‘George Calleja’ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkS4BJLIeodVZAS8i6Sn6Og
Good message as usual, George. Thanks for reminding us all that we need to be representatives of Jesus to the society we live in. God bless.