Wednesday was the 18th anniversary of 9/11. A day of true horror where over 2,000 people died an unspeakable death at the hands of pure evil.
I was 24. I had on the television but was watching country music videos. A Travis Tritt song was playing when my mother called me from work.
“Turn to CNN. A plane has crashed into the Pentagon.”
When I did, they were just announcing the plane crash in Pennsylvania. I remember literally sitting down on the couch with my hand over my mouth.
Like the rest of us, I couldn’t comprehend what would make someone be so full of evil? What would be the meaning behind committing these acts?
It totally blows my mind the lengths that someone can go. What goes through their minds? Do they honestly think it’s okay? Is there just a twinge of regret?
I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure this all out. I could live my life in total fear. I could live in anger, seeking revenge.
But I’m not going to. I will be just giving them what they want.
I plan on living my life as I was meant to…the way God wants.
Not the way evil wants.
We would all be wise to do the same.
See The Good would like to thank Amy for her guest post. Amy is a Florida resident and has been self-employed in the dog care field since 2006. She self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.com/I Am Not Stupid.
She can be contacted at artemple95@gmail.com or through her LinkedIn profile page: linkedin.com/in/amy-temple-34254a167.