Today is Monday. That is a fact.
And this could be a great day or a not so great day for you. That is also a fact.
The only thing that can determine the kind of day you are going to experience is you. That is the most crucial fact.
It is all about your outlook, how you choose to perceive the events of your day, and your choice to make it a good day.
Even when the day does not go according to plan, or you are facing challenges, your day could always be worse.
Choose to be thankful for the day, the opportunities that it will bring, and the fact that you are being given another day to continue your journey.
You can make it a great day. That is a fact.
Good words of encouragement. I have a friend who usually ends his online radio show saying “Have a great day because there is no other kind.” Even when things do go wrong, we can learn lessons in that if we are open to it. And every day we actually wake up has to be good. If we can get out of bed, that is even better. Some people cannot get up and get going, not from choice but from necessity. We are blessed if we know the Lord whatever kind of day it may seem to be. God bless, Kathy.
I actually like Mondays, for a couple of reasons. One is that Monday is my day off, at least with my present work situation. The other is that any day that starts with my being alive is already better than it might have been.