Starting over can be confusing and even scary. Most humans are creatures of habit, and we find great comfort in knowing what to expect and planning our actions. However, on some occasions, life’s journey takes a sharp turn, and we find ourselves facing an entirely new course. The path is not what we expected, nor is it what we perceived as our future. Suddenly, it feels as if we are starting all over in our journey.
Fortunately or maybe, unfortunately, that is not possible. No one blinks only to discover that he or she has returned to infancy and a life of naps, warm bottles, and not a care in the world. Instead, you are facing an unknown. And while your challenges are new, you still have the benefit of all of the experience and knowledge that you acquired up to this very day. You are now tasked with applying those lessons and victories on your new and improved journey. Never forget, you are still the same unique, wonderful, and successful person whom you were before your life-altering event. And you will rebuild a life full of happiness and meaning.
You might not have been afforded a choice about starting over. But you certainly have the choice and control over what you achieve, who you choose to share your new future with, and what new goals and dreams that you choose to work toward. Anger and resentment have no place in your new journey or in your heart. Move forward with confidence and kindness in your heart, and you will discover the life that is perfect for you and your much-deserved happiness.