2 thoughts on “RECIPE FOR SUCCESS”

  1. You’ve distilled all the ‘self-help” books ever written in one simple recipe anyone can put together to create their own one-of-a-kind life!!!! xxxxoooo

    1. Thank you, Pam! Your amazing encouragement and support keep me motivated for each day’s post. So many books make it sound very complicated and tricky. But what it boils down to is that you have to be willing to work for all of your successes. And while not every dream will come true, you can achieve great things in this life when you dedicate yourself to making it happen. Some folks think that this type of thinking puts too much pressure on one’s own shoulders, but I am a firm believer in rising to the occasion and using that pressure to motivate myself. If I don’t accept the pressure and the responsibility for my actions, then I can not take the credit when I achieve my goals.

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