Jesus wants everyone to know Him in a personal way. The love of His Father is for all people in all nations. This opportunity to taste and see that the Lord is good is for everyone, yet it is still not known by all people. This reality could be because although certain people have attempted and had the opportunity to taste and see that the Lord is good, they have decided to go their own way, refusing to know Jesus in a personal way. In these situations, Jesus still loves and cares for each person, and still desires that every individual would return to Him to find refuge and to be blessed.
In Mark 6:34 we read that …When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. This particular verse reminds me very much of today’s society and makes me reflect upon it. It seems that even today a big number of people are like sheep without a shepherd, not knowing what they want from life and what life is all about. Today’s society is built on individualism, on an attitude as if each person knows it all; there exists a lack of trust, and obedience and respect seem to be something of the past or old fashioned. In such an atmosphere, one will find it hard to believe and have faith in Jesus, to taste and see that the Lord is good.
Upon seeing the people like sheep without a shepherd, Jesus had compassion for them. He loved these people and wanted the best for them. Embraced by the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus began teaching them many things. One might reflect and ask… but who were the people in the crowd described as sheep without a shepherd? In my opinion that crowd was composed of a mixture of people. People who were curious who Jesus was, sinners, unhappy people, people with doubts about their faith… and some who had started to believe in Him and followed Him later in their lives. Is this not the same situation also occurring in today’s’ society?
Jesus was there for them. Jesus was there to bring hope to them, to teach them about the loving Father… to be their shepherd. Jesus was after the sinner, the broken-hearted, the poor, the lonely, the sick… Jesus was there for all. Jesus knew what His mission was for the Salvation of people. He knew that the people needed to taste and see that the Lord is good, in order to accept and have faith in Him, and to accept the Salvation He was bringing to the people.
Jesus knew that if the brokenhearted, the poor, the sinners and all those in danger of losing their soul would believe in Him, they would find refuge in Him. He knew that if these people would make an effort in their lives to seek Him, to cast all their burdens upon Him, to know Him in a personal way… they would find happiness in Him. Jesus knew that by following Him and giving their lives to Him by renouncing all their disbelief and sin… by putting their trust in Him, they would be embraced by the loving Father.
This is also true for today’s society. The loving Father wants to embrace each one of us, he wants us to taste and see that the Lord is good!
(This reflection is taken from my Christian Book ‘Taste and see that the Lord is Good’)
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I am George Calleja from Malta; I am married and have two children. In 2009 I obtained my MBA through the University of Leicester.
During the years 1990 to 1996 I was a full time missionary with ‘The International Catholic Programme for Evangelization – ICPE’ and have evangelized in various countries, such as Russia, Ghana, Poland, Germany, and Malta amongst others. Since 1997, I am an active member of the Focolare Movement in Malta.
In November 2014 I published my first Christian Book ‘Peace and Unity in our lives – Volume One’, and have already published another 15 Books. While I hope that you find spiritual growth through reading my articles, I promise to keep you always in my prayers.
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