In our darkest and most challenging moments, we are not looking for someone else to provide a solution.
We are only in search of a warm hug and an understanding shoulder for a moment of respite. In that safe place, we can rest and find the courage and strength to summon the solution that is dwelling deep inside of us.
So very truism so very wise, so very compassionate!!!! Thank you, once again, Kathy, for this important reminder. xxxooo
Very true, Kathy. Usually we are quite aware that others don’t have a solution to our needs and problems, but just to know they are there for and with us is often enough to bring peace in the midst of turmoil. If someone is helping us to carry our burden by pouring out their love with their presence, understanding and in their prayers, half of the burden may be lifted. The other half will then not be so difficult to bear and we may just see the light at the other end of the tunnel instead of complete darkness.
So beautifully put, Diane! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and as always your support, encouragement and always being there!
Pam- Thank you so much for being a part of See The Good and such a dear friend. The light that shines from your heart is such a gift to all who are fortunate enough to know you. Thank you for all of the good that you share with so many!