Everyone deserves loving…, love everyone. #BeLove
While loving others, remember you’re important as they are, and even more…
Don’t forget to love yourself too.
Life presents itself in moments (beautiful or ugly).
Whatever moments life presents you…
Live, laugh, and thrill.
Not being everything anyone wants you to be, wants to see…, doesn’t mean you’re a fault. You’re never a fault!
And remember, if God be for you, enemies will kneel before you.
Life’s GIVE and TAKE.
If you can’t TAKE what you GIVE, then, don’t GIVE what you can’t TAKE.
When it’s at its toughest; when it gets way beyond your strength, don’t cease. Pray!
” If you freeze, don’t forget to breathe. “
No matter how bad others treat you, never take the choice of being even on them. Extend that (your) random act of kindness towards them, always.
You’re made for more, don’t drag yourself down to their level of depravity.
Never hate.
Love for all, hate for none.
Little or substantial?
In everything, give thanks.
What’s not available is still coming to be very much more available.
What’s not plenty is still coming to overflow.
And then,
SERVE and SAVE.LEARN and CHANGE. Find STRENGTH, even when there’s none. CONTROL your TEMPER, for ANGER labels you a FOOL. For THERE’S NO POINT explaining to a MAD MAN that you’re SANE…
NO ONE is YOU, no one can be you and that’s your power.
One day, the BEAUTIFUL, the UGLY, the BLISSFUL, the PAINFUL…, pieces would FIT IN!
#BeYou. #Learn. #Train. #Be. #EverythingElseIsSecondary.
Readers can contact Gbadebo via email at gbadebo.adebayo@yahoo.com
or by visiting his LinkedIn profile at https://www.linkedin.com/in/gbadebo-a-853297173
Thanks, Annelise. Blessings.