As I sit here alone with you, Lord, I think about all the wonders you have done for me.
You have turned this non-believer into a believer with your miraculous ways.
I understand where you are coming from. I know you have to do what you have to do.
You are always willing to give me a helping hand. Even when the days are cloudy and gray. If I need advice or just need a friend, you are here for me, guiding me through all the way.
I want your guidance and support. I don’t want to live the way I once lived.
Some may curse you for not always giving them what they want but as for me, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve you.
With the dawn of each new day, thank you so much for your grace and mercy.
See The Good would like to thank Amy for her guest post. Amy is a Florida resident and has been self-employed in the dog care field since 2006. She self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.com/I Am Not Stupid.
She can be contacted at artemple95@gmail.com or through her LinkedIn profile page: linkedin.com/in/amy-temple-34254a167.
Beautiful post. Giving God thanks every day is the way to go. I start as I awake. Then right throughout the day I keep thanking him for his mercies, blessings, and love. Then I try to make someone’s day better. Thank you Amy.
You know the one thing that always puzzles me? Why is the loving Lord so selective in his love towards his children? He turns one from non-believer to a believer, thus saving their soul, yet he leaves millions other non-believers to die in their non-belief, and end up in hell.
Loves one to give them all the things, and even more than one could ever ask for, and leaves the millions in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan to be raped, molested, sold, like in cattle markets to mentally sick, depraved, paedophile, cowardly murderers. And leaves many more millions around the world, to die in utter poverty and Emotional and Physical pain.
Anyone with an answer, please reply
Amy hope you are keeping a book of your posts—-They are very very good! Bessings, Joella
Beautifully said, Amy. There is so much to thank the Lord for every day whether the day seems good, bad or even impossible. There is always some reason to say Thank you, Lord. We may even have to dig to find it, but it is always there. Thank you, Lord, for Your love for me even though I don’t deserve it. God bless.