Giving in is not the same as giving up. When you give up, there is more that you could have chosen to do. But instead, you have chosen not to make an effort. However, when you give in, you are simply choosing to accept something that you cannot change.
I give up on my dream to become a famous writer. I could keep working toward my goal, but I choose not to continue my work.
While swimming in the ocean, I give in to the current and float along with the waves. There is no possible way for me to change the current in the sea or the motion of the waves. I choose to give in to this force of nature and not fight it.
Never mistake the difference between these two options or the impact of the choice that you make.
Well, we can GIVE IN to our failures and thus end up GIVING UP on our dreams. We can do both at the same time. The wise who know themselves knows when to stop, yet isn’t giving in or giving up. All these depend on the situation and the strength of YOU!