
Words Of Profound Wisdom From AMY TEMPLE

Dear God,

Help me each day to enjoy all that You have blessed me with.

Help me to remember what is important to me.

Help me to not be anxious about anything but with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving to give all things to You.  You are the God of peace which passes all understanding.  You shall guide my heart and my mind.

I trust You in that whatever happens, You will help me to carry on with a strength that only You can give.

See The Good would like to thank Amy for her guest post. Amy is a Florida resident and has been self-employed in the dog care field since 2006.  She self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.com/I Am Not Stupid.

She can be contacted at artemple95@gmail.com or through her LinkedIn profile page: linkedin.com/in/amy-temple-34254a167.

2 thoughts on “Words Of Profound Wisdom From AMY TEMPLE”

  1. Thank you, Amy, this is beautifully expressed and oh, so true. We all need to be reminded of this regularly!!!Thank you for sharing this with us, your faithful fans!

  2. Lovely post. I ask God each morning to help me to be better than yesterday. To be kinder, more thoughtful, more understanding, to be wiser, etc. I just ask him to help me to be better.

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