Your prayers and words of encouragement and support are keeping Diana’s spirits up! She is working hard every day and making progress. Yesterday she woke up and when her husband said I love you, she responded I love you too! I know that made his week, and I also know that it brought tears to many, many eyes around the world. She is not giving up, and we can’t stop praying for her recovery.
Today, she smiled when her doctor entered her room and was able to wave when he left — this from the lady that they said would never wake up or breath on her own. Diana is a hero in every sense of the word. And she is going to beat this with your support and prayers. Please keep them coming. We are asking for a Christmas Miracle for Diana, her husband, and their 5-year-old son.
And God is going to give it to her family. Thank you Jesus, for all you have done for Diana. More prayers going out.
This is so wonderful to know that the power of prayer along with the power of love and caring of others truly can and does bring miracles.