
Do Yourself A Favor – Guest Post By AMY TEMPLE

Worry is just a complete waste of time.

As a former worrywart, I can tell you all that anxiety just simply wears you out!   I used to get worked up over how things were going to turn out.  

What could does it do anyway?

No one has a say in what goes on in life.  

The only solution is to let go of all your expectations and go with the flow.

Just sit back and relax.

God’s got this.

See The Good would like to thank Amy for her guest post. Amy is a Florida resident and has been self-employed in the dog care field since 2006.  She self-published a memoir titled “I Am Not Stupid” which is available through Amazon.com/I Am Not Stupid.

She can be contacted at artemple95@gmail.com or through her LinkedIn profile page: linkedin.com/in/amy-temple-34254a167.

1 thought on “Do Yourself A Favor – Guest Post By AMY TEMPLE”

  1. I am a worrywart that is still waiting for a cure. But life experience has taught me that worrying is a part of our lives, and sometimes improves our instincts and awareness about things. Plus some worrywarts tend to pray more. Prayer never fails me. I just learn to control who or what I worry about, You are right, sometimes it’s a waste of time.

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