
True Friendship

True friends are the ones who had their hand out to offer you help when you were struggling but don’t ask for anything in return when you have become a huge success. They will cheer for you and celebrate your success, but they never try to profit from it. But should the tide turn and you find yourself struggling again, a true friend will be there to help you pick up the pieces before you ever need to ask for help.

2 thoughts on “True Friendship”

  1. This is so true and makes me reflect on what my mother always told me, to be my own best friend. Once we truly love ourselves (which, when I was growing up, we used to call selfish but it’s not really) we can then love others because we better understand their struggles and weaknesses, their challenges and fears. At the same time, we can see their beauty, their strength, their gifts, their uniqueness and appreciate them for who they truly are. Once again, thank you for this important reminder, Kathy!!!! You seem to know what we call need in the way of a mental and spiritual picker-upper!!!!

  2. Beautiful. Again. True friends never run out of forgiveness, thoughtfulness, love, understanding or all things necessary to nurture and improve friendship. So if and when you find that rose in a garden of weeds, nurture and help it to grow and flourish. There are priceless values in Friendship.

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