Multitasking and uber efficiency are touted as the way to get ahead in our world. We have apps and programs to help us work more quickly and assistants to put the final touches on projects. But with all of our focus on speed and efficiency, we have concluded that time spent dreaming imagining and pondering is wasted. But is it really?
Dreaming is a skill that we learn as children. We dream of what we will be when we grow up, or we dream of what we want to accomplish. Little girls begin to dream of the perfect wedding while little boys dream of making the winning jump shot at buzzer or miraculous catch in the endzone.
Over time, our dreams become more realistic and more detailed. And as this occurs, we discover that the dreams we have held onto become our map or plan for our future. Then adulthood and all of the responsibilities and chores invade our minds and consume that time which we used to spend dreaming. So, where do our plans and road maps come from now? Do we blindly follow the path in front of us or do we manage to carve out some time to create- to dream- and plot the course to the future that we desire.
Dreams are not a waste of time. They do not indicate a lack of focus or determination to accomplish a task. They are the groundwork of our plans and goals that we have not yet gotten down on paper. Don’t deprive yourself of the time to dream and search the universe for the path that will bring you the most happiness and satisfaction.
Kathy, I love this!!!! You are sharing some great fuel for the journey here and in all your holiday posts as we approach another new year. In 2020, hopefully, we’ll all be able to see more clearly the foundational “ground of being” as human beings on Mother Earth. The ground of being is love, love for self and for others, love for nature and the Universe, love for life, dreaming and living, even for struggles and challenges, love for truth, friendship, peace, joy and love itself. As the Beatles will forever sing,, “All you need is love, love is all you need..”
I believe that ‘the man without a dream will never know what hopes tastes like.’ Dreams give us hope, hope gives us strength and the reason to go on. Hope opens doors, heart, hands, pockets, wallets and so much more. Hope give life to new ideas, thoughts, actions, new reasons, and new whys. I think none of us ever stop hoping, even those who planned to end their lives. In the back of their minds, they are hoping someone will pop up and give them one more reason to go on. Hope is everywhere, that’s the basis of our dreams. Hope & Dreams, they go together. Never stop hoping, never stop dreaming.