It’s the end of the year. Scratch that! It’s the end of a decade. What an end to be alive, to be grateful for. Despite the lessons and all, what a year! What a decade! A good one at that, or most might say, “Nah! It was one full of negativities.”
Depending on the side, each of us chooses to see the coin. The lessons learned from the decade, the moments… It’s about time for a mind anew.
Looking back at some moments of the year/decade, the way people handle or respond to which they see, read, hear – from families, strangers, social media… The judgments, responses…are full of negative attributions. People seeing just that bad aspect in their/people’s situations and posts.
It’s about time for that change of mindset. A change to SEE THE GOOD in whatever comes at us, whichever we see around us, anything we choose to lay a comment on no matter how bad/dampening it might seem.
Though the pain that comes with that very minute glimpse of hope in the dire situations (those we learned, hear, see…) we find ourselves are so overwhelming and compelling to make one focus deeply on only the negativities. It’s about that time we start believing that in those situations, there’s an iota of GOOD in them, it’s time we tune our minds to seeing the GOOD and drawing a blank on the bad/negative sense that seems to deprive us of the Joy we’d have had in those moments.
It’s time to be grateful in situations – and to know we’re all grateful. It’s that time to compel ourselves to not only SEE THE GOOD but also SEEK THE GOOD in life moments. Change that to the new decade. It’s time for a promise. To promise yourself that no matter what life throws at you, you’ll always see the good (in the stones, dirt, irregularities, hatred…) thrown.
FIND your GOOD, SEEK the GOOD, EMBRACE the GOOD in the new decade. DWELL only on the GOOD, SEE THE GOOD, and don’t forget to; be the GOOD.
Wishing you a new year and a decade devoid of downs but full of peace, which transcends above any human understanding!
Thank you, Gbadebo, for this and all of your contributions here at See The Good and many blessings to you for continued success and happiness. Please know that your voice here is important, you make a difference to everyone who reads your work, and you inspire others to strive for success just as you have done!
Readers can contact Gbadebo via email at
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Very good post, Gbadebo! Your best yet! Happy New Year to you and your family.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Amy. Blessings.