How heartbreaking it is to know people who declare that they follow Jesus but are not being another Jesus in their life. It is really painful to witness this. Following Jesus requires to be another Jesus to your neighbour.
It makes no sense whenever a person’s lifestyle does not match with what the person declares of following Jesus. To follow Jesus and to be another Jesus must be witnessed in the lifestyle of the person.
It is useless for a person to declare of following Jesus… but accepts abortion, is not concerned about the need of his neighbour, is a racist, or does not forgive, besides other such negative examples one might be trapped in.
To follow Jesus, one is to have a personal relationship with Jesus, of being in silence and to listen to His voice, to comfort and listen to the needy, to share about Jesus through one’s actions, deeds and speech.
There is only one way to follow Jesus… that is to be another Jesus.
I am George Calleja from Malta; I am married and have two children. In 2009 I obtained my MBA through the University of Leicester.
During the years 1990 to 1996 I was a full time missionary with ‘The International Catholic Programme for Evangelization – ICPE’ and have evangelized in various countries, such as Russia, Ghana, Poland, Germany, and Malta amongst others. Since 1997, I am an active member of the Focolare Movement in Malta.
In November 2014 I published my first Christian Book ‘Peace and Unity in our lives – Volume One’, and have already published another 15 Books. While I hope that you find spiritual growth through reading my articles, I promise to keep you always in my prayers.
My main social networks are the following:Blog: Peace and Unity in our LIves
FaceBook: George Calleja (Christian Author) – Page
Goodreads: George Calleja (Christian Author)
Instagram: George Calleja (Christian Author)
LinkTree: Links to George Calleja (Christian Author)
Spotify: George Calleja (Christian Author)
Twitter: George Calleja (Christian Author)
Website: George Calleja (Christian Author) – Official WebsiteWebsite: Peace and Unity in our Lives
WordPress: Peace and Unity in our LIves
YouTube Channel: George Calleja (Christian Author)
My published Christian Books are mainly available from:AMAZON
My online courses through UDEMY are the following:Living the Beatitudes in your Life
How to heal your spiritual wounds