
Gratitude – Pass It On

We have all had dark days when it feels like the entire universe is against us. The weight of life feels too heavy to bear. We have all been there. But each of us has also experienced times of happiness, prosperity, and joy. It is essential to recognize these blessings of the universe and show gratitude.

We were all taught to say please and thank you when we were children. And it is equally important to remember those manners as adults. Show your gratitude to inspire others and give them hope that brighter days will find them as well.

2 thoughts on “Gratitude – Pass It On”

  1. Gratitude is a must and should be given and shared when it’s due because humanity has many things to be thankful for. In our fast-paced chaotic world, take the time to see the beauty, kindness, and love that surrounds you. Then your gratitude will begin to flow abundantly.

  2. I love this because it’s a perfect description of what I’ve always felt is the greatest gift our Creator has given us after the gift of life and this is the gift of CHOICE! I’ve lived long enough to realize that we DO create our own reality by our thoughts, words and actions, and thoughts come first. So manners are important because they can shift the “atmosphere of the day” and bring sunshine into an otherwise dreary occasion. Try it sometime. Choosing love, peace, joy does make a difference! Thank you, Kathy, for your daily beams of sunshine we all look forward to reading and hopefully applying throughout our day.

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