

Just Breathe – By AMY TEMPLE

Are you breathing?Go check.  I’ll wait.Now odds are, your breath hasn’t left, or you wouldn’t be reading this.The point I want to make is life is just way too short.   The fact that you are able to still feel the air in your lungs is a blessing in itself.  Don’t take advantage.Enjoy every single one.Keep it calm.Keep it peaceful.Don’t give away its power.It’s much too precious. Please visit me on Polywork at: Also, please visit my…

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Bring Out Your Best – By AMY TEMPLE

The wrong thing can be said with your actions, whether it is intentional or not. It’s all due to the mindset. You may mean to be pleasant, but if your thoughts are filled with negativity, it’s going to show in how you interact. Make sure to keep your mind free from the filth so you can bring out the best of yourself. Please visit me on Polywork at: Also, please visit my website at:…

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You Are Stronger Than You Think – By AMY TEMPLE

It can be so tempting to want to hide after you have been hurt… But don’t do it. You are giving away your power. You are giving away your life! Keep it.  Cling tight to it as hard as you can. It’s in these moments that we find out who we truly are. Winners! Please visit me on Polywork at: Also, please visit my website at:

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Be Your Own Best Friend – By AMY TEMPLE

The best person who should love and accept you is… YOU! As I get older, the more I discover life is way too short to waste on seeking love from other people. Validate yourself. Be in love with yourself. Let other people in but don’t use them as a crutch.    Learn to lean on yourself. Please visit me on Polywork at: Also, please visit my website at:

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Have Faith – By AMY TEMPLE

Whether we want to make just a slight change or a profound one, there is always this desire to improve our lives. The most important thing is, do we have the courage to do what it takes to make our wishes come true?  Do we have the confidence? Yes, we do. We have the ability to accomplish our goals, but taking the first leap is the hardest and scariest one of all. Sometimes we need…

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