

Choose Wisely By TONY KOEWLER

There are many ways to remain a positive person in the face of what life gives you to deal with. One of the most important things you can do in this never-ending goal is to make good choices as to whom you let in your life. We all like to think we are good judges of character, but most of us aren’t. Constant awareness and evaluation of those people close to us is important. Constantly…

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Focus Your Energy By TONY KOEWLER

Life today, as every day, is filled with challenges. Things like demands on your time, unexpected costs, illnesses, and events can all pile up. Another life hack and my favorite stress limiter is to evaluate and address what you can have a positive impact on. Not everything needs to be solved today. Some things cannot be impacted by your efforts to manage or solve them. They just “are” and as such need dealt with and…

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Focus On The Journey – By TONY KOEWLER

When we choose the happy road, it isn’t just that moment in time that takes place. It’s a constant level of effort to maintain that path. Life will present numerous opportunities to stray. What is the secret to this? Maintain a positive outlook. When you develop the habit of looking for and seeing the positive, the road becomes broader, and the exits less numerous. After all, happiness is a state, a location, and also a…

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Is There Any Good To Be Found? By TONY KOEWLER

Sometimes there is simply no happiness or joy to be found in the challenge we find in front of us. Now, what do we do? I have found that getting through this has quite a bit to do with who you surround yourself with. I also believe that a focus on the outcome can give you some satisfaction in the face of adversity. Someone asked me how I dealt with death and how it could…

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Silence Can Speak Volumes – By AMY TEMPLE

Silence is a great teacher. So many are completely afraid of it though. They believe living is meant to be in constant motion. It’s Go, Go, Go!  And if even for just a second, there is an opportunity to be still… A horrific fear grows from within…that the world will just simply collapse if they are not doing something all the time. The truth is however, we cannot afford the risks. By being still -even…

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There Is Plenty – By AMY TEMPLE

You have everything you need to succeed in life. There is plenty for all humanity including you. You have the awareness. You have the capability. Life has blessed you beyond what you can imagine. Every sort of riches and golden opportunities are yours to receive. Now go out and get them! Please visit me on Polywork at: Also, please visit my website at:

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