

Today, I Celebrate My Mother! – By AMY TEMPLE

Today, I would like to do what the rest of us are doing… celebrate my mother. I truly have been blessed to have such a loving, encouraging, and supportive mom.  As those of you who have been reading my work over the years know, I have learning disabilities.   I have dealt with my fair share of discrimination and rejection over the years.    It would have been so easy to just give up and feel…

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Live Your Life To The Fullest! – By AMY TEMPLE

Living in isolation prevents you from becoming your best self. Yes, we’ve all been hurt.  Some more than others.  Yet, we shouldn’t keep ourselves sheltered.  It will give the power away to those who caused you pain. Don’t live in fear. Open yourself up to new opportunities. Also, please visit my website at And please take a look at my new book: Life Reflections From A Regular

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Find Your Passion – By AMY TEMPLE

We are all powered by our dreams and struggles. It’s the passion that we follow all the days of our lives. Without it, life would be similar to walking down an unknown road, looking for just a hint of familiarity but never finding it. Don’t become lost in the search. Also, please visit my website at And please take a look at my new book: Life Reflections From A Regular

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