Make The Most Of Each Opportunity
Most opportunities don’t start out looking perfect. But without exploring each one, you will never find the ones that make your dreams come true.
Most opportunities don’t start out looking perfect. But without exploring each one, you will never find the ones that make your dreams come true.
Most of us are our own worst critics, but we must also learn to give ourselves credit for our achievements. Without that recognition and love of self, we will never feel true happiness or satisfaction.
True listening means being able to hear both the good and bad. You need to accept both the negative and positive to see the true meaning and value in someone’s words or thoughts.
Sometimes remaining calm is all you can do. There might not be an immediate solution. But unless you remain calm, you will make a bad situation worse. Staying calm will allow you to see any options you have and evaluate them logically.
Breaking bad habits takes time. So don’t be too hard on yourself when you slip up a little. You deserve the same forgiveness and second chances you would offer to someone else who is struggling to become a better person.
Your worst days will also often be the most rewarding. But, unfortunately, you won’t always understand their value until you have managed to survive them and look back on the lessons they taught you.
Let us not go back to how we once were. Let us become the best people we possibly can be. Please join me in thanking Amy for her contribution this week and every Sunday! Her words, thoughts, and gifts enrich each reader and add immense value to this website. Thank you AMY! Amy is a Florida resident and was self-employed in the dog care field from 2006 – 2019. Currently, she is working as a writer…
Forgiveness is not always about letting someone off the hook for what they did. Instead, it is about allowing yourself to eliminate the weight of your own anger and hurt, holding you back from finding the happiness you deserve.
Life is about give and take. You will give and take. Others will give to you or take from you. Life will give you opportunities and take other opportunities from you. Your job is to learn to adapt and accept that these changes are how the world works. It is not just about you or what is happening to you. What matters is that you learn to graciously accept the give and take of life…
You will not find the peace you are searching for in any corner of the world. You can search the earth forever, trying to find it. But only when you look inside yourself and find happiness in who you are and what you have to offer the world will you find the peace that will fill your heart and soul.