Be Kind To Yourself
Building good habits takes time. So be as patient with yourself as you would be with a loved one or friend who is working to grow and become the best person they can be.
Building good habits takes time. So be as patient with yourself as you would be with a loved one or friend who is working to grow and become the best person they can be.
Be brave, take that leap of faith. You will be amazed where it takes you and how many wonderful and supportive people you meet along the way.
If you want to change the world, just set your mind on being a bright ray of sunshine in someone’s day. Your smile or kind act will change the day for that person and inspire more kindness.
Don’t listen to all the negativity out there trying to stop you from growing. Quite honestly I can’t tell you why someone would not want you to succeed. That puzzles me too. My guess is that they are battling some serious self-esteem issues. They feel the only way they can feel better is to put others down. Weird, I know. But don’t let it stop you. Just keep on living. And don’t worry about what…
Have you ever wondered what is your treasure in life? Are you being alienated in life by greed, power and selfishness? Is there a place in your life for God, for having a personal relationship with Jesus? What is your treasure? Rightly so, in Matthew 6:21 it is written ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ If the treasure in your life is God, of having a personal relationship with Jesus, you…
Never be shy about seizing the moment to make it all that you dreamed it could be.
Sometimes, only you can see your true path to happiness. Don’t be afraid to follow your heart and find the life and happiness you deserve.
Life is meant to be full of excitement, wonder, and experiences. But it is important to remember that taking time to “stop and smell the roses” can be an experience filled with wonder and excitement. So allow yourself the time to soak in all of the wonderful gifts that life is giving you.
When you think back to all the challenges you have faced, don’t get caught up focusing on the bumps and bruises you endured. Instead, focus on the lessons that you learned and the strength that you now enjoy, thanks to those difficult times. They will remain with you long after the brusies to your body and ego have healed.
Saying “No” may be the hardest word to say but it’s the best thing for your self-esteem. Don’t neglect yourself in order to make somebody else happy. You matter, too. Please join me in thanking Amy for her contribution this week and every Sunday! Her words, thoughts, and gifts enrich each reader and add immense value to this website. Thank you AMY! Amy is a Florida resident and was self-employed in the dog care…