

Be open to all opportunities.  You don’t have to say “yes”.  You can say “no”.  Just keep yourself open for growth. Please join me in thanking Amy for her contribution this week and every Sunday! Her words, thoughts, and gifts enrich each reader and add immense value to this website. Thank you AMY! Amy is a Florida resident and was self-employed in the dog care field from 2006 – 2019. Currently, she is working as a…

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Love all the time – by GEORGE CALLEJA

Whenever I pause in my life and meditate upon Jesus, one thing always strikes me… that Jesus loved all the time. Throughout His life as the Son of God, Jesus expressed the love of the Father to every person He met and on every occasion of His life. Jesus, as the Son of God, loved tremendously to bring forward the love of God to all mankind. His love had no limits, His love was reached…

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Gratitude – Pass It On

We have all had dark days when it feels like the entire universe is against us. The weight of life feels too heavy to bear. We have all been there. But each of us has also experienced times of happiness, prosperity, and joy. It is essential to recognize these blessings of the universe and show gratitude. We were all taught to say please and thank you when we were children. And it is equally important…

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A Letter To Cancer…

There are many kinds of survivors who have overcome you. There are the ones who battled and sacrificed to overcome the carnage that you inflicted on their bodies. And there are those whose body was overcome but whose soul you could not hamper. They live on in every happy thought and smile that graces the faces and hearts of their loved ones. Then there are the survivors who have endured only the mental anguish of…

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Perfectly Imperfect! – By AMY TEMPLE

Seeking perfection is a complete waste of time and energy.  It will drain the life out of you.  Accept your flaws.  In fact, embrace them. Life will go a lot smoother. Please join me in thanking Amy for her contribution this week and every Sunday! Her words, thoughts, and gifts enrich each reader and add immense value to this website. Thank you AMY! Amy is a Florida resident and was self-employed in the dog care…

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Good Things Come In Small Packages

As a child, I was frequently reminded that good things come in small packages. I think it was becasue my Mom and Grandma were barely over five feet tall. But over the years, I have come to appreciate their wisdom on a larger scale. Size is all about context and perception. What I see as small might appear huge to someone else. A sailboat looks large if you only have a rowboat. But it is…

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