
A Gift From Shallow Waters

  There are times when it is very easy to become livid at another person who has hurt someone whom we care about. But I am beginning to learn that sometimes, the acts which appear to be very cruel are actually some of life’s greatest gifts disguised as life’s hardest blows. It might take some time to discover how to get the extravagant wrapping off of the gift, but in time the true value is…

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My Happy Place

There is a certain peace and calmness that washes over you when you have reached the place where you are meant to be. I never considered myself to be a person who fits in easily. In school, I was always on the fringe and never really a part of any group. And as an adult, I was most comfortable in a small group, and even that was sometimes a forced effort. But I have finally…

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The Clarity of Mature Eyes

  When my father passed, we placed a bench in his favorite state park as a memorial. It overlooks a small stream and is surrounded by massive trees. At some point, he learned the very important lesson that there is so much serenity to be found when surrounded by nature. It is a pure connection to the world that has been displaced by electronics, multitasking and the desire to always accomplish more. He knew that…

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  Miracles come in all forms, from the first time you see your newborn child, and your heart simply explodes with love to the unique and elegant shape of the first snowflake of the year. Our world offers miraculous beauty in the landscapes that surround us as well as the people who are brought into our lives. Seeing each moment, each event and each new face as a miracle to be experienced will enrich your…

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A Connection

    Every time I am at a beach, I can’t help but be mesmerized by the tide. I can literally just sit and watch it for hours. The waves rise and fall in such a rhythmic pattern, it is as if I become a small child again snuggled up in the protective arms of my mother as she rocks me to sleep. Its peaceful and calming motion is somehow enhanced by the low din…

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