
Love Is Thicker Than Blood

  I would like to take just a few minutes to relate how I learned that love is what really makes a family or makes a person part of a family. Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have an amazing big brother. He brought me surprise gifts for no reason other than to see me smile, he was always willing to play catch or a video game, or anything else that I asked him…

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Guest Post- Interview With Brittany Lewis By Benedict Musee

This is a very unique post as it is an interview conducted by Benedict Musee with author Brittany Lewis. So in a way you are getting two guests in a single post! In addition, you will hear a powerful message that is certainly worth the read and some additional thought as you begin to digest all that you read. Autism is still somewhat of a mystery to us but through the painstaking work of parents…

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A Life of Devotion

So much has changed in the world in the past 50 years. An entirely new generation has come of age and brought with it the mantra that they are the center of it all. Their focus and concern never seem to drift beyond their own reflection that they see in theĀ mirrorĀ each day. Millions of dollars are spent on keeping themselves looking and feeling young and making their lives easier. Electronics are used to complete mundane…

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