
Judgment Is A Slippery Slope

Anytime I am about to make a judgment about another person, and this is on a serious level not wow she’s a bad cook kind of thing, I try to mentally picture a bold yellow sign that reads, “BEWARE-DANGER AHEAD”. Because what I have come to learn is that those who judge others are often the least likely to possess the criteria that have become their yardstick. Let me also add to this that we…

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Play Your Part To Bring Peace To The World – Guest Post By GEORGE CALLEJA

Peace in the world!  Is that possible?  Is that beyond us? Have you ever thought that you can play your part to bring peace to the world?  If only each person really loves and cares for the person next to him in each present moment of life, it will bring peace to the world! If only we really had to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us, yes, it is possible to have peace in the world.  You can…

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Life… is all about loving – guest post by GEORGE CALLEJA

Many times we hear of stories about life. We hear and read stories about the life of famous people. We know about the life of our close relatives, of our own family members. We know about the story of our own life. In any person’s life, there would be the good and happy moments or the bad and sad moments. Each of these moments would have their own particular story, a particular situation to recall…

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