Sunlight warms our bodies and our souls. It is essential for growing food to nourish our bodies, and it even has an impact on our mood and emotional state of mind. But what do you think about when you watch the sun creep down past the horizon? Is it an end, or is it a beginning? Or is it just a change that we need to embrace for all that it is offering us?
The sun sets at the end of a long day, and you have the choice to curse it for all of the tasks that you did not yet complete. Or you can bask in its magnificent beauty and give thanks for another glorious day and all that you have accomplished. You can despise the coming night for its darkness. Or you can eagerly await the subtle beauty of the stars that illuminate the vast night sky like diamonds floating far out of reach. The night is a time of tranquility and peaceful slumber to rejuvenate your mind and body. It is a gift and reward after a hard day of work. But you must accept it for all that it is. And not try to compare its purpose and appearance to that of the daylight hours.
Our world is full of opposites. We have positive and negative charges in magnets that attract or repel, hot and cold, hard and soft, and the list goes on and on. Each one has its place and purpose. Each is necessary in our world, just as day and night are essential. And it is up to us to understand and appreciate the differences that each offers us and embrace these gifts. How you choose to see the sunset can provide a great deal of insight into your perception of the entire world and the level of happiness that you will achieve in your life. Choose to take in the beauty of the late day sky, the radiant colors, and the soon to come twinkling stars. Then accept calm of the darkness and all that it offers, knowing that the sun will rise tomorrow. And with it will come the potential to do and achieve anything that your heart desires.
This is absolutely brilliant! So timely AND timeless!!!!!❤️👍😊
Lovely post. For me, the sunset is a promise. I love to watch the Sun sets. It encourages me to rest too after a long day of giving so much. Many of us are like the sun, we give so much during the day, but have problems resting at night. Take a lesson from Mr. Sun. He must rest to come back tomorrow to give the warmth and happiness only he can give.