
Pray For Wisdom – By George Calleja

Before sharing George’s insights today, I would like to ask everyone to keep our friend, George Calleja in your prayers. He is facing some health challenges and your prayers for his return to good health are greatly appreciated. As he has reminded us so many times, our prayers are heard and answered each and every day. And his return to good health will be a blessing to him and all those who hear his words and grow from the experience of knowing him.

Thank you so much!



Many people I came across in life, ask, what is spiritual wisdom? How can one obtain spiritual wisdom?

 Well, basically spiritual wisdom is not the same thing as knowledge, that is of knowing some facts and principles… it is deeper than that. Spiritual wisdom is applying that knowledge that you know into your personal life, into your daily deeds, into how to love your neighbour. In a nutshell, spiritual wisdom helps us to act upon the knowledge we have of our Christian faith, and applying it specifically in a loving way.

 In other words, spiritual wisdom is not how much we know the Word of God, the Commandments, the teachings of the Church, etc, but how these are lived in our life. Spiritual wisdom helps us to act wisely upon the knowledge we received as Christians, that is of being a true faithful Christian… of being another Jesus to our neighbour.

 So, how can we obtain this wisdom? It is only through prayer that spiritual wisdom is received. We are to ask God for it, to ask the Holy Trinity for it, so that the spiritual wisdom be in and part of our daily lives.

 Pray for spiritual wisdom, and I am sure, that through the Holy Spirit, it would be presented as a gift to you.

 (view this reflection on my YouTube Channel through the following link:

https://youtu.be/n3PkZT9g5t8 )George Calleja (Christian Author)

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My online courses through UDEMY are the following:Living the Beatitudes in your Life
How to heal your spiritual wounds
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video June 2021 – Pray for wisdomJune 2021 – Pray for wisdom