
Please Send Prayers And Thoughts Of Strength Today

Today is the first day of chemo for a young warrior. And while she is ready to do battle with all the confidence and hope that an eight-year-old heart can carry, the future weighs heavy on her parents and loved ones. Please join me in sending prayers and strength to Mila and her family as she begins the fight of her life.

The good news is that your thoughts and prayers are keeping her positive and in good spirits. And every moment of prayer and positivity helps to keep her motivated to win this fight. May these prayers surround Mila and guide her through this challenge, keep her strong, and help her to overcome this enemy.

6 thoughts on “Please Send Prayers And Thoughts Of Strength Today”

  1. Prayers are powerful and love is the most powerful force in the world, so loving prayers can, indeed, move mountains!!!! Praying for you, Mila, with loving thoughts and powerful prayers.

  2. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support.

    Mila is receiving her anti nausea meds as we speak in preparation for her first infusion. Her procedure to implant her port earlier today was uneventful and her pain is being well managed.

    Her treatment plan is as follows:

    6 infusions over 10 weeks > Recovery > Surgery to remove tumor > Recovery > 6 infusions over 10 weeks.

    If everything goes according to plan, we’re looking at 8 very difficult months.

    Your thoughts and prayers are extremely appreciated and important to us, so please keep them coming!

    1. My apologies for the delay in getting this posted.

      Please keep Mila and her family in your prayers. Miracles happen every day and we need to keep asking for Mila’s strength and healing to overcome this.

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