
Everyday – Guest Post By GEORGE CALLEJA

Everyday is an important moment in life. Each day we face many decisions to make, we meet different people, and we have different opportunities to love. How are we living the days of our lives? Are we living a life where we do not care about the person next to us? Are we only interested about our own interests? Are we really loving the way Jesus taught us to love? Everyday is an opportunity to…

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Play Your Part To Bring Peace To The World – Guest Post By GEORGE CALLEJA

Peace in the world!  Is that possible?  Is that beyond us? Have you ever thought that you can play your part to bring peace to the world?  If only each person really loves and cares for the person next to him in each present moment of life, it will bring peace to the world! If only we really had to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us, yes, it is possible to have peace in the world.  You can…

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A Hug From Dad

As I’ve gotten older I have begun to see the value of things differently. I used to turn to physical items to remind me of the closeness that I shared with a loved one. As an example, I have an old flannel shirt of my fathers. Each time I slid it on I would close my eyes and imagine the feeling of a hug from Dad. The buttons are coming loose as the thirty some…

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More Than A Christmas Chore

There are so many intricate details and facets of life that as children, we simply don’t grasp. They’re just part of the tiny little bubble we call our world. It’s not until decades later, that a fleeting glimpse into a childhood memory reveals the deeper meaning. I’m fortunate to have clear and detailed images in my mind of childhood days long gone by. These memories trigger thoughts and “aha” moments each time one surfaces into…

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Life… is all about loving – guest post by GEORGE CALLEJA

Many times we hear of stories about life. We hear and read stories about the life of famous people. We know about the life of our close relatives, of our own family members. We know about the story of our own life. In any person’s life, there would be the good and happy moments or the bad and sad moments. Each of these moments would have their own particular story, a particular situation to recall…

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A Christmas Wish Granted

My father was born just a few months after his father was tragically killed in an accident involving a train. In the mid-1920s there were very few options for a single mother of two young boys. After a few difficult years trying to raise the boys on her own, his mother left both boys to be raised by her mother and father. The boys blended in with their younger aunts and uncles who were still…

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Even on my darkest days, I strive to remember that there are many people who are in far more difficult situations than I am facing. And I am not referring to people who are thousands of miles away living in foreign countries, these people are right here in my country, my state, and my city. Some could be just down the street or even in the next building, and it is simply the grace of…

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Every Life Has A Purpose

Someone remembers the turning point in his or her life that all started with a moment of kindness from you, a stranger, but someone whom that person will never forget. You have no idea all of the lives that you touch and change…but you matter to each of those people and many, many more who are fortunate enough to be a part of your life! Every person matters and each life has a purpose, even…

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    The end and fading away of great love…is like a bell that no longer rings…   The silence is deafening and oppressive…no longer ringing and clear..no longer raising hopes…or bringing cheer.   So many ears had heard the bell ringing…across the valleys and deep blue lake… beyond the dells and mountains…raising hopes or bringing cheer … only sad memories remain…the silent bell…no longer rings.   The sadness of the silent bell… a reminder…

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