
Answers From Above


I always enjoy getting away from the city for a few days. Not only is it nice to experience the peace of a rural area but I also especially look forward to taking some time each evening to simply sit and look up at the stars. Living near one of the 10 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, it is impossible to find a place that is truly dark at night. But a trip to the beach or into the mountains provides me with a completely different view of the amazing night sky. Millions of stars and planets sparkle little diamonds and light up the night with nothing but natural beauty.

On a recent trip, it was very clear, not a cloud in the sky. We were able to sit for over an hour and drink in the beauty as the earth slowly rotated and provided new and amazing views of the celestial lights show. While some stars were disappearing to the west, others were appearing to the east. This was just one of two very profound illustrations for the evening. Life is constantly changing and moving forward, but for each moment that ends, another begins. And that new moment is equally full of potential for success, happiness, and enjoyment as the moment which has passed. We simply need to choose to see the potential and make the most of it.

The second epiphany of the evening was that all of these amazing stars and planets are above me each and every night, even though I can’t always see them when I am near a city. They are just being blocked by other things or even unseen because I forget to look for them. But the choice and ability to see them is mine and mine alone. I need to choose to make the effort to look for them or change my location for a better observation point. These stars are much like the good people, events and moments of our lives. The good is always there, but from time to time we get too busy, too forgetful or just too self-absorbed to look for them and drink in all of the beauty that they bring to our lives.

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