
Regrets or Well Timed Reminders…

As I get older, there are many times when I realize that I have just gained some priceless insight into the life experiences that my parents endured. Then I wish for just five minutes to add yet another line item to the apology that I owe them for scoffing at their challenges and frustrations. They were what I considered very little things, but now, I am viewing them from the other side of the coin.…

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More Than A Christmas Chore

There are so many intricate details and facets of life that as children, we simply don’t grasp. They’re just part of the tiny little bubble we call our world. It’s not until decades later, that a fleeting glimpse into a childhood memory reveals the deeper meaning. I’m fortunate to have clear and detailed images in my mind of childhood days long gone by. These memories trigger thoughts and “aha” moments each time one surfaces into…

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Every Life Has A Purpose

Someone remembers the turning point in his or her life that all started with a moment of kindness from you, a stranger, but someone whom that person will never forget. You have no idea all of the lives that you touch and change…but you matter to each of those people and many, many more who are fortunate enough to be a part of your life! Every person matters and each life has a purpose, even…

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Prayer To God

You are always willing to give a helping hand. I think of all the wonders you have done. You have turned non-believers into believers with your miraculous ways. Even when it’s cloudy and gray…if I need advice or just need a friend, you are there to guide me all the way. Some may curse you, but I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to know You. See The Good would like…

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Finding Balance Mind Body and Spirit – Guest Post By Vivian Elizabeth Marquez de la Garza

The holidays are “family time.” It is a time to remember our younger Christmases (or your holiday season for your specific faith). It is a time when the young ones dream of presents and growing up.   For the 5-year-old to the 105-year-old, the holidays are a special and magical time of the year. The entire family awaits this time of year. Like many of you reading this, I am also looking forward to this…

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Left or Right

I seem to have entered another time in my life when “why” is the thought of most days. And unlike in my youth when I really expected an answer, I think as an adult, when I hear myself utter this question, I know that it is time to reflect on the issue and search for my own answers. The short version of the current need for contemplation is a set of challenges for myself and…

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